Digestive Enzymes

Digestive Enzymes are key to on-going health for humans and hounds, as they allow the body to digest and absorb food. They also help regulate everyday functions like breath, growth, smell, taste disease defense, hormones and more.

Why do our hounds or us need them? As we age, our bodies work less efficiently. Combine that with eating highly processed foods – like kibble for our dogs – and fast foods and snacks for us, and our bodies have trouble dealing with the proceessing on its own. We don’t process or extract the nutrients needed. This can result in poor coat, organ and system issues, diarrhea and just overall poor healthy and lethargy.

Read the labels on Digestive Enzymes. I used to carry Prozyme. I don’t anymore because it does not have the necessary enzymes.

Alleghany Nutrition’s enzymes are by far the best on the market. The amounts of enzymes in each one of their capsules far outweighs any other. Click here to read in detail about this product. Look at other digestive enzymes labels and you will see that the quality of this enzyme is unparalleled.

Ingredients per capsule:

pH range is 4 to 10
150,000 FCC/HUT Breaks down protein. Prozyme has none.
(Beef, chicken, fish, vegetable protein)
Acid Stable Protease
pH range is 2 to 5
500 FCC/SAPU Breaks down acidic protein
(found in various meats)
pH range is 3.5 to 8
100 GDU Breaks down proteins. Prozyme has 8.
pH range is 4 to 10
20,000 SKB Breaks down Carbohydrates, Starches, and Sugars. (bread, potatoes). Prozyme has 2000.
Malt Diastase
pH range is 4 to 9
250 FCC/DU Breaks down complex and simple sugars
pH range is 3 to 8
5,000 FCC/FIP Breaks down fats and oil. Prozyme has 30.
(triglycerides, and other lipids)
pH range is 3 to 9
500 FCC/ALU Breaks down lactose.
(cheese, milk, dairy products)
pH range is 2.7 to 5.7
3,500 FCC/CU Breaks down fibers in fruits and vegetables. Prozyme has 50.
pH range is 2 to 8
1,000 FCC/HCU Digests vegetables.
(breaks down hemicellulose in cell walls)
pH range is 3.5 to 5.5
800 Sumner Breaks down sugars
pH range is 2 to 7
4 U Breaks down phytate which negatively
binds important minerals.
pH range is 2 to 7
2,000 AJDU Breaks down pectin.
(Pectin – important nutrient in fruits)
Ionic Trace Minerals
with Alfalfa
30 MG Increases the utilization of enzymes.


Dose: I’m currently taking one with each meal. When I want more systemic action and detox, I’ll take 2 in the morning and evening. For your dog over 50 lbs, I’d give 1/3 – 1/2  capsule with each meal. You can purchase them here.